
  • Innovative Sustainable Economy

Kick-Off Meeting, Cyprus


In a period from 8-9 February, 2024, REVIVE project partners gather in Larnaca, Cyprus to get acquainted with project challenges, objectives and context, the partners’ roles and tasks, the project work plan and budget and results.

The Kick-off meeting of the REVIVE project partners start with a welcome from the Lead Partner (ANETEL). Each partner briefly presented their organization and their pilot area. The technical meeting continued with the presentation of the Thematic Community Project of the Interreg Euro-MED Innovative Sustainable Economy (ISE) Mission; the Mission that the REVIVE project is part of. The presentation was done by Maria Caldero Pascual of the BETA Technological Center, Lead Partner of the Thematic Community Project of the Mission. REVIVE is a part of the Innovative Sustainable Economy Mission with other 13 thematic projects. The mission consists of the thematic community project and the institutional dialogue projects with the aim to facilitate exchanges, enhance synergies, transfer/mainstream, promote institutional cooperation, governance mechanisms and create the conditions for transfer of projects results .

Presentation of Working Groups (WG) and activities were elaborated by each responsible partner.

WP1: Pilot Framework Set-up. The aim is to provide accurate information and increase knowledge about relevant outcomes and best practices already implemented in the Interreg Euro-MED Programme area and beyond.

WP2: The aim is to enable the creation of the REVIVE cluster of Innovative Community Cooperatives by testing of new collaborative business models  in project  pilot areas.

WP3: Mediterranean Digital Innovation Hubs. The WP3 starts in July 2024 until June 2026. The aim of WP3  is to enhance digital skills needed for up taking of advanced technologies and integrate the Mediterranean Digital Innovation Hubs in the REVIVE Cluster of ICCs. The outputs expected to be delivered by WP3 is the 7 tested pilot solutions with application of advanced technologies and the MDIH joint online platform.

WP4: Scaling out and sustainability that spans during the whole lifetime of the project. It consists of three activities. Activity 4.1 is the coordination with the mission’s governance projects, that is with the thematic community and institutional dialogue of the Innovative Sustainable Economy Mission;  Activity, 4.2 is the carbon footprint monitoring and offsetting that CNR is responsible; Activity 4.3: Scaling out of project results it involves the final conference of the project.

The second day of the meeting was dedicated to the setting up of the Steering Committee (SC) and the approval of the action plan of the project for the first year. The chair of the SC which is the Project Coordinator (Eudokia Balamou-ANETEL) presents the project management and financial procedures. In regard to the storage of files she informs the partners that the Interreg Euro-Med has set up Basecamp for file sharing. Access has been given by the programme to the partners contacts. All partners have an access to the monitoring tool called JEMS.

Guided tour in the botanical garden and distillation Lumina botanical gardens highlighted our gathering in beautiful Larnaca.

REVIVE agenda


Larnaca, Cyprus
Larnaca, Ciprus