What we do
Improving innovation capacities in our Mediterranean territories is a necessity to strengthen and consolidate a knowledge society. It will help us face future possible economic crisis. Projects under this mission will increase the capacities of public and private organizations to implement and coordinate Regional Innovation Strategies and reinforce the competitiveness of SMEs accelerating the transition to a circular and sustainable economy.
The Innovative Sustainable Economy Mission of the Interreg Euro-MED Programme works to boost a fair transition to a circular economy through two governance projects that develop innovative technical knowledge and ensure these new solutions are transferred into public policies.
In the last decades, the internal territories of the Mediterranean have been affected by steady depopulation processes that have led people to move to urban and coastal areas with a higher concentration of economic activities. Low economic dynamism, scarce public services, lack of job opportunities, poor digitalization and accessibility are the main challenges that make the internal areas more vulnerable.
Developing Community Based Innovative Business Models for the Revival of the Internal Areas in the Mediterranean REVIVE Project fits into this context, by building on participatory and capacity building approaches to reinforce the collaboration among quadruple helix stakeholders, strengthen the cohesion of communities and co-design innovative and integrated solutions to common challenges.
Through a transnational cooperation and coordination project partners will develop and test collaborative economic models through the creation of Innovative Community Cooperatives with the aim of developing interconnected products and services for the supply chains of existing economic sectors. In parallel, the project will co-design a set of digital services and test the application of advanced technologies through the creation of Mediterranean Digital Innovation Hubs. The MDIHs will then be integrated in the REVIVE transnational cluster of Innovative Community Cooperatives that will jointly provide concrete solutions for creating new business opportunities, encourage people to live and invest in these areas.
In it’s final phase the project will provide a transferring framework that will set the basis for upscaling of results, strengthen the cohesion and promote the transition towards competitive, innovative and resilient ecosystems of the internal territories of the transnational cooperation area.

REVIVE project Work plan consist of four packages:
- Objective of the Pilot framework set up (WP1) is to define a methodological framework for developing community based collaborative economy business models and enabling innovation processes in the Mediterranean internal areas.
- Collaborative economy business models innovation (WP2) will enable the creation of the REVIVE cluster of Innovative Community Cooperatives by testing of new collaborative business models in project pilot areas.
- Establishment of Mediterranean Digital Innovation Hubs (WP3) will enhance digital skills needed for uptalking of advanced technologies and integrate the Mediterranean Digital Innovation Hubs in the REVIVE Cluster of ICCs.
- Scaling out and sustainability (WP4) will ensure the sustainability and transferability of the project results by contributing to the Result amplification strategy and by delivering of the transferring framework.