The main objective of the REVIVE project is to implement innovative solutions for a sustainable economy with the aim of accelerating the transition towards competitive, sustainable and resilient ecosystems in the internal areas of the Mediterranean Regions. The achievement of this main purpose is possible through the implementation of specific objectives:
- Define a methodological framework for developing community based collaborative economy business models and enabling innovation processes in the Mediterranean internal areas.
- Enabling the creation of the REVIVE cluster of Innovative Community Cooperatives by testing of new collaborative business models in project pilot areas.
- To enhance digital skills needed for up taking of advanced technologies and integrate the Mediterranean Digital Innovation Hubs in the REVIVE Cluster of ICCs.
- To ensure the sustainability and transferability of the project results by contributing to the Result amplification strategy and by delivering of the transferring framework.

- Larnaca and Famagusta Districts Development Agency, Cyprus (Lead Partner) was founded in 2003 and its shareholders are the local authorities of Larnaca and Famagusta Districts. It has an institutional and operational role with a huge experience as a Lead partner and partner and has implemented more than 55 projects (Interred Med, Interreg Europe, Horizon, COSME, Greece-Cyprus, national projects) that had a great impact on the territory and affected the national and local policies/strategies.
- National Research Council, Italy works to define sustainable and innovative strategies and models to explore practical solutions to contribute to the local system’s resilience and sustainability. The institute collaborate with public and private stakeholders at local, regional, national and European level to improve research on different supply chains, from agriculture to tourism.
- Institute of Agriculture and Tourism, Croatia is a research institution with scientific and technical expertise within the area of agriculture and tourism.
- Official Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Services and Navigation of Mallorca, Spain represents corporation governed by public law. It was founded in 1886 to promote the economic and business development of companies within its territorial remit offering them different services and fulfilling its public administration function assigned to it by law.
- National Association of Italian Municipalities – Tuscany, Italy is a non- profit association that represents its members, 279 municipalities, before regional and national authorities. I It has supported local administrations and the regional government in developing and implementing policies in the fields of sustainable development, integrated territorial development, environmental and biodiversity protection, climate change, civil protection, tourism and social policies.
- Regional Rural Development Standing Working Group in SEE, North Macedonia stands for international and intergovernmental organization, a platform for policy dialogue, network and regional cooperation in the area of agriculture and rural development.
- Development Agency of South Aegean Region – READ S.A., Greece is a regional development agency and an essential regional player in the South Aegean Region supporting & coordinating economic, social and cultural development within the Region.
- Balearic Islands Agency for Tourism, Spain is a public company that belongs to the Regional Ministry of Tourism of the Government of the Balearic Islands. Its mission is the promotion& development of tourism within the region; the research and improvement of tourism products and of the tourist offer, and the analysis of tourist data, according to the tourism policies and strategies for the Balearic Islands region.
- E-institute, Slovenia is a non-profit research and development institute focusing on different aspects of sustainable development more specifically rural development, open Innovation and living labs, agriculture and food, education & trainings, energy efficiency and renewable energy.
- Allium, employment center, Slovenia (in cooperation with E-zavod) is cooperative focusing on employment of people with disabilities in green and circular economy jobs.
- South Aegean Region, Greece (in cooperation with READ S.A.) will contribute as an observer in this project disseminating best practices, outcomes and project results supporting the capacity building and policy learning activities on regional level encouraging involvement and networking of regional stakeholders in project activities supporting mainstreaming of project results beyond participating regions.
- Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Dodecanese (CCID), Greece (in cooperation with READ S.A.) is focused on protection and development of trade, industry, craft, professions, exports and the service sector, in accordance with the interests and objectives of the national economy, for its development and progress.
- LAG Montagnappennino, Italy (in cooperation with ANCI Tuscany) manages European funds for the development of rural territories and implements the local development strategy and the realization of cooperation projects to favor the improvement of agricultural and forestry competitiveness, of the environment and rural space and of the quality of life by involving public bodies, private companies and associations of the mountain territories of the provinces of Lucca and Pistoia.
- The Town of Buzet, Croatia (in cooperation with Institute of Agriculture and Tourism). Buzet is a town in western Croatia, in Istria County, situated in the valley of the Mirna River, in an area called Buzeština. Covering an area of 165 km², it is home to approximately 6 000 residents. It is known as the City of Truffles and as the capital of Croatian automobilism.