
  • Innovative Sustainable Economy

Organization of the Interactive workshop for developing innovative cooperatives to revitalize rural areas in Slovenske Gorice


On February 26, 2025, a strategic stakeholder workshop was held in Gačnik, Pesnica, Slovenia, as part of the Interreg Mediterranean REVIVE project. The workshop focused on developing an innovative business model in the form of innovative cooperatives, aimed at revitalizing rural areas in the Slovenske gorice pilot region within the Podravje area.

Held at Domačija Truntič, the session brought together key stakeholders interested in collaborative and community-driven approaches to rural development. Participants explored the potential of innovative cooperatives as a tool for fostering sustainable local economies and strengthening the region’s tourism potential. Through interactive working groups, they identified key micro tourism destinations, discussed the challenges and benefits of cooperative-based business models, and formulated joint proposals for strengthening rural entrepreneurship.

A key outcome of the workshop was the recognition that a proper and useful strategy for the Slovenske gorice pilot area is essential to developing the region as a cohesive and attractive destination. Participants emphasized the need for a structured approach that aligns with local potential and supports long-term sustainability.

The insights gained during the workshop will play a crucial role in shaping the Action Plan for Slovenske gorice, ensuring that the region benefits from community-driven, sustainable, and innovative economic model. This initiative fosters stronger local engagement, promotes shared ownership of development strategy, and enhances the long-term resilience of rural community.