On Monday, December 9th, an online meeting was organized with stakeholders from the Appennino Pistoiese, the Italian pilot area of the REVIVE project. The meeting was organized by project partners ANCI and CNR-IBE, in collaboration with the associated partner GAL Montagna Appennino. Different stakeholders participated in the event, including agritourism operators, farmers, restaurateurs and representatives of leisure and hospitality facilities, all actively engaged in the territory.
The main goal of the meeting, in addition to fostering dialogue and exchange among local operators, was to discuss the establishment of the Food Community of Appennino Pistoiese. During the meeting, a consultant (Dr. Riccardo Bemi from Cesvot) also gave a presentation on the different legal forms that could be adopted for the community’s creation. Participants interacted with the consultant to identify the most suitable and effective form based on their goals and the efforts required. Following this, the meeting continued with a discussion focused on the main activities to be included in the action plan and the charter of values for the Appennino Pistoiese Food Community.