
  • Innovative Sustainable Economy

Presentation and community engagement of REVIVE Project, Mallorca


The meeting was arranged by REVIVE partners in Mallorca, AETIB and Chamber of Commerce of Mallorca, to present the REVIVE project and to start working on the ICCs. REVIVE partners count with the support of the Grouping of Municipalities of Pla de Mallorca where the pilot project will be implemented.

REVIVE partners published the announcement of the meeting (see publication in Chamber of Commerce of Mallorca website Pla de Mallorca: espais de col·laboració per la dinamització local (, sent an invitation to a data base created for this event with more than 250 contacts from the public authorities at regional and local level as well representatives from the fields of agriculture, agrifood production, tourism and cultural and creative industries. The invitation was followed by follow-up calls to identified stakeholders and particular contacts.

35 representatives from the pilot project area attended the meeting call. These were coming from a wide range of sectors:  owners and directors of agrifood companies of the island (from small to larger ones), city halls of the grouping of municipalities, SMEs of various sectors (handcraft, tour agencies, agrotourism), farmers associations and unions, regional public authorities from the employment and training sector, members of the Digital Innovation Hub of the Balearic Island, from a museum, and from a communication consultancy company from this region area.

The session started with welcoming words from Carlos Bibiloni, Head of Projects of the Chamber of Commerce and Joana Maria Pascual the President of the Grouping of Municipalities Pla de Mallorca. Furthermore, Lucía Goberna from the Chamber of Commerce of Mallorca presented the REVIVE project. This was followed by the presentation of the Destination Sustainability Tourism Plan that is currently being implemented at the grouping of municipalities level by Beatriz Martin.

After this formal part, a dynamic was arranged, and the initial group was split in two different groups according to the sector participants represented:

  1. Agriculture and food production
  2. Tourism and cultural and creative industries

The groups moved into separate rooms and two moderators in each group started a dynamic to identify the main challenges, priorities, necessities and possible solutions that the REVIVE project could focus on. It was a very dynamic session, where many different topics emerged, and where the conversation was conducted towards what can be done to improve concrete situations and challenges. Participants read and signed the form of informed consent and privacy policy in this session.

Finally, both groups merged in one large group again. Final concluding remarks were conducted by REVIVE partner representative, Pere Joan Planas, Director of AETIB.

The meeting ended with a one-hour refreshment offered in the patio of the building that allowed for networking opportunities.

All in all, it was a well-attended meeting, with representatives that play a crucial role in the pilot area. Participants were glad to have found a space to share their concerns and get to connect with other actors and look forward to continuing collaborating in the REVIVE project.

 Presentation REVIVE Mallorca